Live And Let Die / Wings cover -off vocal ver.- [70's sound finish][fab-four mania] Modified ver.

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※I can't get advertising revenue unless I have more than 4000 subscribers, so I'm aiming for 4000 subscribers Thank you for your cooperation m(__)m
#オリジナル音源のレコーディング時に使用したエフェクター、スタジオ機材により近い物を使い よりオリジナル音源に近い音に作り込みました
#Using the effectors and studio equipment used when recording the original sound source, we have created a sound that is closer to the original sound source.
※70年代っぽい音に作り込みました。I made it to sound like the 70's.
※guitar,bass,keyboard,drums,percussion,programming and play by Sachio Haga
※本当はデジタル高音質で録音しておりますが 著作権などの関係上 低音質で収録しております
※I'm actually recording with digital high quality sound.Recorded with low sound quality due to copyright issues.

#Paul McCartney and Wings
#Paul McCartney and Linda McCartney
#Red Rose Speedway
#AIR Studios
#the theme song of the 1973 James Bond film of the same name
#Denny Laine
#Henry McCullough
#Denny Seiwell
#Ray Cooper
#George Martin
#Guns N' Roses
#Use Your Illusion I
#007 死ぬのは奴らだ

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